Glen Campbell Duets

Aktuelles und Vergangenes aus seinem Leben und seiner Musik
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Registriert: Do 5. Jan 2012, 00:50
Wohnort: München

Glen Campbell Duets

Beitrag von LesPaul »

Glen Campbell & Eric Clapton
Nothing but the Whole Wide World to Gain
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Registriert: Mo 23. Jan 2012, 12:16
Wohnort: HSK & Emden

Re: Glen Campbell Duets

Beitrag von EricsBadge »

Beiträge: 580
Registriert: Do 5. Jan 2012, 10:05

Re: Glen Campbell Duets

Beitrag von Jester »

Von wann ist denn der Song? Glen Campbell ist doch schon seit 2017 tot und war davor mehrere Jahre schon wegen Demenz oder Alzheimer inaktiv. Das letzte reguläre Album ist von 2011. Die letzten Sessions wohl von 2012/13.

Edit: Scheinbar ist das von seinem letzten Album, was im April als Vinyl nochmal veröffentlicht wird.
Beiträge: 92
Registriert: Mi 26. Dez 2012, 21:17

Re: Glen Campbell Duets

Beitrag von IchderDuke »

The posthumous project is a reimagining of Campbell’s 2011 farewell album, “Ghost On The Canvas,” as duets with some of the biggest icons in music. The tracks blend the late Campbell’s original vocals with the talents of artists like Eric Clapton, Brian Wilson, Carole King, Dolly Parton, Elton John, Hope Sandoval, Linda Perry, Sting, Brian Setzer and more.

The only album known to be written and recorded while its creator battled Alzheimer’s disease, is filled with honest songs of hope, reflection, mortality, gratitude and acceptance of fate. “Glen Campbell Duets – Ghost on the Canvas Sessions” is project created out of love for Glen and his beautiful take on the conclusion of his life. Legends from across the globe and of all genres came together to work with the original producer and executive producer of Ghost on the Canvas to compose a striking and thought-provoking tribute.

About his participation, Eric Clapton said, “I’ve always admired Glen Campbell’s guitar playing and loved his singing. I was moved recently when one of his final performances, during his illness, came on TV. When I was asked to sing and play with Glen on the song Jakob Dylan wrote, it all just felt right, and I am happy to be part of it.” ... -sessions/